You will each be grouped in “teamlets” of 3-4 students with one Internal Medicine coach. The IM coach does not grade you and their purpose is to:
- Promote wellness by providing psychosocial support and facilitate getting you help if you feel overwhelmed
- Promote deliberate practice through guided goal setting, direct observation, and other skills feedback to start you on the road to mastery
- Promote growth in clinical reasoning and medical decision making by oversight of peer feedback on H&Ps and supplement feedback as needed
You can meet with your IM coach both individually and as a “teamlet”. You will set these expectations together. The following is a suggested approach to get the most out of this relationship.
Week 1- Develop clerkship goals and give peer feedback on one write-up
Week 2-3- Meet with coach individually and/or as teamlet to set expectations, solidify plan for goals
Meet with teamlet to discuss any group projects and peer feedback
Week 4- Make sure coach has seen at least one write-up to insure you are on track;
Check in with coach, discuss formative feedback and readjust goals as needed; review physical findings observation needs
Week 5- Peer feedback on write-ups, work on any group projects
Week 6-7- Meet with coach individually and/or with teamlet
Week 8- Make sure your 4 best write-ups of the rotation, goals and formative feedback reflection, reflective writing, and discharge phone call log are ready to submit to Canvas.